Thursday, March 12, 2009



xde kata laen yg aku nk ucap selaen alhamdulillah....xsia2 aku doa slama ni..
walaupun xtercapai gak target sbena aku,straight A's..aku ttp redha dgn semua yg Allah takdir atasku aku..sini aku nk ucap congrats gak tuk semua calon2 yg achieved excellent result..especially madihah and farah aisyah,both from maahad muhammadi kb! best student malaysia! taniah2..! and thanks to all who always support me behind! bella..thanks byk2 coz slalu bg kata2 smagat! huhu..xleh nk cite pnjg! gtg..ill be leaving qlate tonite! cerita detail...sila tgu.hu3

syis,sory xleh attend kem kepimpinan!

p/s...sir mizu..bila nk update blog...segera2kanlah!
k,gtg..salam..doa2kan smoga aku slamat dlm perjalanan!


Anonymous said...

salam....cngratz to my sis...xpe xley straight As pn da okey...dr orey yg xde A lgsung cmner??so cmner??stam nk ambk k x??da wat istkharah blom??ur welcome...appreciate that my nme de s2..mga sntiasa dlndung Allah S.W.T

fateamah mohdsalleh said...

temkiu for wishing!
hmmm..btol tu.kftmh besyukur,redha jer aper yg kftmh dpt..

SalsabiLa said...

salam....ur welcome!
erm...bgus r cmtu gak..huhu
doa2 kt sy etep tuk SmU09 n Spm2010...

fateamah mohdsalleh said...

doa sajo xde guna kalo usaha diri scdiri xdop! sungguh!~ pgalaman org yg sero hmpir2 berjaya..hehe