Wednesday, December 31, 2008

farewell 2008..welcome 2009!


Alo. Dis is my 2nd posting for today. 31122008.Today is the last day of 2008! X coundown eh,xla besunguh mano.. 08,absolutely tgl byk best memories and bad memories.. sama byk jer..tanak la citer sal tu ploop. owam mst duk tanya sal azam baru la,huhu. in a short,aku dpt conclude yg sumenyer baru kowt.. huhu.. talking bout new year, manusia da xbleh blah(teiru ayat sapo xhaw) from celebrating it! ape la nk jd,kalaw tahun baru Hijrah,they do not take a heed lak! majority anak muda skang clbrate ngan wine,maksiat c2 sini.. Dosa besar wei, Tuhan bleh turunkan bala bila2 masa saja. Nauzubillah.. Below is some opinion from ulama. i copied it from the latest fs bulletin.

sabda Rasulullah SAW yang berbunyi,:

"UmatKu dilalaikn tnpa disedari spt semut hitam diatas batu hitam dimlm y gelap. Siang ia Islam, mlm ia kufur; dn siang ia kufur, malam ia Islam." Yahudi & Nasarah yang tidak redha akan Islam kita akn menggunakan ap saja cara utk menyesatkn kita. Skrg mrk meggunakan cara y begitu halus sampai kita sdiri tdk sedar y kita telah mengikuti mereka. Tengok saja disekeliling kita. Contohnya,haribul an. Berapa ramai yang tahu bahawa cara tarikh Masehi ini ada kaitannya dengan tuhan mereka?

21 hb Ogos 2002 AD. Apa maksud AD dibelakang? Makna AD ialah "Anno Domini" bahasa Latin yang bermaksud "Anno" ialah aku/saya dan "Domini" ialah tuhan dilahirkan. Jadi 21 hb Ogos 2002 boleh diertikan sebagai " beberapa hari setelah tuhan aku dilahirkan." Nauzubillah.

Bila sampai 31 Disember, berapa ramaikah umat Islam yang meraikan tahun baru? Tetapi sedarkah mereka bahawa telah difatwakan oleh Sheikh-ul-Azhar, Sheikh Tantawi, Sheikh Yusof al- Qardhawi dan ulama2 contemporary bahawa menyambut 31 Dis. bererti menyambut ulangtahun hari jadi tuhan Yahudi & Nasarah? Bagi mereka yang tidak tahu, hukumnya fasik, tetapi bagi mereka yang tahu (kita sekarang sudah tahu) hukum nya ialah MURTAD. Nauzubillah.
Sesugguhnya yang baik itu adalah dari Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala dan yang kurang serta salah dan silap adalah dari kelemahan saya sendiri.

harap2nye petikan above dpt jadikan pengajarn tuk kita semua termasuk sy.. InsyaAllah.
in fact there are some important things i'd like to convey pertaining today

firstly, the upu deadline is today.. i just wanna remind to all of spm candidates 08 who fills the form.. tgl a few hours b4 the application is closed! sesape yg blum isi lg tu bleh la.. rmmber gak tuk final update! mana a taw kot2 ader yg trtinggal. sbb dah ader certain cases taon lepas, jgn dok lorat nk g clebrate tahun baru jer! =p

then, 31122008 also is my 2nd brother's birthday..akem.. 31121985,happy 23th birthday annibersary to you! smoga pnjg umo,murah rezeki..may ure always in Her blessings. Oit,ure getting older not getting longer but getting shorter! =p arini 23 esok 24! Biso2..

patu yg ni xla important sgt.. xyah taw pon xpe.. my FRIENDSTER birthday is also in 3112! he or she? or it? was born in 31122007..hehe..dah stahun umo fs aku ni.. so,happy 1st anniversary to you!..=p jasamu amat2 dikenang.. wakakkakka =p..(xdop kijo aku neh) is wednesday...wwwiwwiiiwwwii XXD

Abis sal tahun baru..yg ni nk citer bnda laen..sppttnya da lma aku post sal bnda ni. last week mmg busy cket.xdae nk update blog. im quite tied up within last week and dis week maybe.. bkn tie the knot! or bnda2 yg swaktu dgnnya. trpaksa cntnue keje2 redaksi yg xsiap lg,stop jap tyme exam mood aritu.. woaaa..i had to finish my school magazine's cover! ohhhnoo,malas hanya Tuhan jela yg taw tp bila da start...[speechless].. gini la aku! tp bila ralik wat mst nk wat yg terbaek punya.mcm study lor.

Alhamdulillah, cover dh siap. Comei kakloh(skali skalo puji dri sndiri)..

My school magazine is 80% completed and there remains some slots to be finished. In fact aku excited wat bnda ni.. what im quite happy, i learnt sort of things in making the cover esp graphic, 100% computer made. tiap2 ari duk explore forum photoshop tutorial coz im not really expert in working with photoshop and coreldraw.. coreldraw xguna sgt.. sblum ni taw yg basic jer. fuh,bila blaja senang jer rupanya. skrg dh aku dh expert sal vector(ni art aku desire most) ngan blending option + special efect. photoshop mmg superb!!

nntikan la kmunculannya as soon as possible! insyAllah majalah tuk 08 maju ku hadape.he3..

xleh nk show lg nt basi lor..hu3

Sblum tu,i wanna wish congratzz to all pmr candidates for ur excellent result! alhamdulillah..

Special congratzz tuk students YIK, my skul maahad rahmaniah who got 9A and 8A and my dearest cousin, Farah and Muhaimi,both got 7A..

kpd yg xcapai target tu congratz gak, x bererti you all xberjaya.. ade A pon ok daaa.. so,just redha and recite ur own gratitude to Allah is the best way.. i,me myself(taukid.hehe) also quite disappointed with my pmr result.. igt..SMU and SPM bleh nk buktikan lg..STAM pon! :) So,nihla chance tuk improve! Struggle hard kalaw betol2 nak. InsyAllah Tuhan akan bg..

Dun giveup until the last breath!


-special congratzz gak for my cousin abe yie. Hes going to get engaged tomoro!

1 Muharam 1430H


Entry kali ni,xlewat lg i wanna wish to all muslims oll over the world,Salam Maal Hijrah 1430H. Today is 3 Muharam 1430H. This entry supposed to be wrote on 1 Muharam day itself. Unfortunately i was in my village, Kg Kuala Nal,jd xleh nk online. 2 hari stay kt kapom so dpt rilex.,doh sblum ni tak rilex ko wei??Hu3.. Dop la,spending time in my tranquil village is quite differ from staying my own home. Huhuhhhuu. Eventhou spupu spapat xde,just my grandma, livin in her dwelling alone,my auntie Chik and my unmarried uncle. Rumah chik sbla umah atok aku jea. Oh! my uncle just got well frm chikungunya fever.. :((

Talkin bout 1 Muharam, its a most meaningful date in Islam. As muslims we've to kno what Hijrah stands for and the history of''em. The 1 Muharam also is my my late granpa's birday,emm,sumer anak banak mst igt nye date ni.. and i still and stilll rmmber when the date comes, my grandpa will buy an amount of eskemm, then he will divide to children in kg.kuala nal.. Dak2 semua msti fell delighted bila dpt eskemm.. :))
It was a joyful task carried out by him.. ermm..but now it remains as our best memories. For rmmberin and appreciatin the great day, my grandma wat makan2 cket, ajak org kampon mai makan laksa, as my grandpa passed away 7months ago, the 1 Muharam will not be forgotten surely! X sempat nk clbrate tahun baru 1430H, Tuhan da amek nyawa bliau. :(( sedey toll.. Hari wat makan laksa tu, as usual wat2 expert kt dapor =p, tlinga aku ni da xleh lari mkacik2 dok citer sal the day and the moment of the my grandpa's death.. biasa lah kalaw da dok ramai2 cmtu musti flashback pnya citer,. huhu.. and 4 sure, never ending chikungunya story.. emm.ntah ler.. the disease is still attacking the villagers. fogging pn dah 2 kali. oH! i wanna share sumtin . in fact the disease will leave +tive efect gak. long live immunity! Once recover from this fever, badan kito atomatik trus je dpt immunity tu.. Active natural immunity kowt. Paka teka j.Skali skalo recall aper yg aku blaja :)

Cakap sal Maal Hijrah ni, mst org duk tanya sal azam baru or whteve lah! Some of my frens texted me wishin and asking me bout it. ohhhnooo.. what ive to say??? Emm,actully it goes same ebery year. Muken la azam baru tuk thn baru nih challenged cket. Ak pk la,agipon scndary school life is over.. so,biiznillah kalo aku dpt masuk u nex year, u life lg la mencabar! Xpe,xjd masalah.

Aku berzam nk jd more well-mannered person.. hehe.. and get the excellent result in each exam! duk kt u dah high level exam.. adesss. promising myself, sumer obstacles ni xleh jdkan reason to succeed,sbaliknya i make it as catalyst to achive my azam! aku slalu hold tight in my chest pndirian aku ni.! tu 1st stage azam aku..woaa..ade stage-menstage nah. =p..erm,kalo aku dpt achieve semo azam aku yg 1st.. insyaAllah yg 2nd stage menyusul... pastu ade gk tingin nk blaja overc..(walapon taw yg aku xleh) but aku slalu doa mintak maner a taw kot2 ada rezeki..InsyAllah.. one more pasal stam?oh,shud i take stam or not..? mmg bnde ni btol2 wat aku bangang! kdg2 rasa rugi kalaw xamek stam..kalo aku amek mst lehnya. kalaw dpt twran koyik plak gwano kiro..patu dpt twrn u lak..
im trmbling in anxious!hhuuhuh. saem2 pun xsei v aku amek stam takot aku conquer lg! wakaakaa.. brangan saja pn xguna. you won't succeed in anythin if u spend ur time building castles in the air.(mengata diri sdri =p) neway, fateamah! no more givup! gano2 pon dun givuup until the last breath!!!!!!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

happy friday =]]


hei..betemu kmbali =] my posting today is juz cute..erk :)). xdela happy sgt harini.. juz its differ from my daily life prior, in dis period of scool holiday ni. yg bezanya today i spent most of my moment in outdoor activities. apa kabar dunia??haha.. slalu duk terperap lam umah jer. activities? let carry on ur reading! =p

Pagi2 lg da this morning i was woken up by my father...hehe. slalu tyme tu aku still tido dgn bestnya.. so,arini aku trpaksa bangun awal.. my parents ordered me follow them to go to surau kg.gatal.each friday ada ustaz ngaja kasitu.. has been a long tyme since i last attended to the surau. when i was in childhood i always went there with my parents. kak aku pon join gak and neighbour pon. so, it was really memorable at that time. biasalah tyme tu p kasitu taw main jer sbb ramai kawan =]] i thought i stop going there when i was going to start entering into the secondary school. xsilap aku la. tmbh lg neighbour pn dh pindah. td,i appeared again with the new look,dah besaw. haha. malu pon ader. but i can still recognize same faces. cam familiar jd owh makcik ni makcik tu rupanya. che ros my former neighbour pon still attend lg even dh moved machang.. die pon xbawa dh anak die.huhu.lama tol xjmpa.! kuliah mmg best a [thumbsup]. maklum la ustaz tu mmg well-educated dlm bab2 agama ni.. still muda lg,mmg experiences tu hebat lar.. salute him! so, xrugi pon pegi at least my time was fulfilled by those beneficial activities. tp ader satu j tyme ustaz tu ngaja sdikit sbyk bg answer for my psi exam spm ariuttttuuu.hehe.. next week insyaAllah ill attend again. around kul 11 abis pastu otw balik umah mak singgah kt pasar. huh.pasar pon lame x tgk..

Smpai umah,i went to mimis house in guchil 7 for attending her uncle wedding ceremony. mitak permission ngan abah 1st, so trus p ngan motor. dkt jer.. huhu..agipon some of my classmates were there. bestnyeeee dpt jmpa koram.. mmg rindu arr.. dibah,zue,fatin,kyra,kiney,lylah,k.mimi.. uish,bleh tehe galok td umah mimi..
mimi pon kijoan tolol jah~ =p.but my bestfrend,yea cant attend due to her prob.prob aper? prob nk mintak ngan abah dia lar. smpai j umah mimi,dioram baw nk g cc.waper? xlaen xbukan nk fill upu form.. hoho..sep2 nih xfill lg rupanya.. al-maklum la ramai live in rural area so ssh nk kua..xlah rural sgt..sorri =p. they went by car so i just followed them up by motor.. cc not available lak! what a coincidence! dioram smpai tyme smyg jumat.. haha.. so,kesian kt dioram so i ordered dioram fillup form kt umah aku jela. uish. baek ati sunguh =p. so,gather kt my house la gegey gegok. haha.. koram naseb bek aku xkenekan payment jer..
ish,besunguh nmpak pk sal future..stam lagumano ni..?huhu

Then, stret ke umah mimi plop. aku ngan motor dioram jln kaki jew.. tp aku yg smpai lewat ni knaper. dhla ramai dh guest tyme tu.. malu tol la.. duk g mari2, what a coincidence lg! woi..ader k ptt suh aku jd nyambuk natu????bkn aku sorg jer,my frens too. huhu,so,trpksa la aku bwat2 org pandai..1st took 'pa' from bride's family ..pahtu treat dioram..wakaaka,,what a funny story.,valuable experiences.. =p.. keep thinking..hmm..perut bila nk isi ni.. haha.then i told to mimi...'mimi,i think my motive of attending this ceremony is not achieved yet(tanyo supo biaso jh kecek jah tulih kot mangerih=p)...haha u know what? u pk la sdirii.. =p..
kila and k.asma,cenna pon smpai.. so, finally aku bjaya gk isi perut ni ngan nasik tu. huhu.. yg lain havealready returned to thier home.. xsgka gk mimi invite dia punya mr.p tuh.. same went to lylah! her mr.k... brani ah korang..
erm,aku balik umah asar dh.. i realized tt aku xpuas a spending tyme ngan korang.. bila nk gather lg weiii.
k.ila,k.asma ngan usna pon joined ikut aku balek umah cuz dioram nk fillup form upu.!! huhu.. kalo aku bukak cc kan cedap.. haha... patu ajak usna temankan aku p amik novel.
.[yeay..yeay!! now i got new companion instead of my comp...] XXD

im very thankful for having this splendiferous friday!

hmmm..capturing some picta was not forgotten indeed.
ive no enuff tyme transfering it ryte now..
so, i will update this posting soon. kay..


lorat neh
c u nex tyme~


Saturday, December 13, 2008



Im alone in home....starting from today.. im alone! my second sist zati just returned to her school KMK smalam. skaang ni tinggal aku sowang jela kt umah wif my loved parents lor. as usual ngan dia jela kecek banyok. im sure ill have an unstopped talking to her, hehe, n 4 sure gak, miscellaneous of topics will be 'discussed' togeda esp our future respectively. huhu. but for sure gak we cant pretend ourself from irritating togeda-geda. hehe, jwbnya perang adik-badik lor, sakit ati tol la dae baloh gak, mulut tu xsoh oyat la,mace2 kua. =p. sama2 dup ngato.. reality gini lor. hmm, smlm aku p anta dio.. senanye malas a nk g tp biler taw mak g gak aku pon join gak lor.. ei,im worried of being home sorang2 diri. tmbh2 lg malam2 buta ni.. heee.. masa anta dia smlm, she had to wait at masjid tanah merah until her college bus arrive. smpai kt c2 about 945pm.. bus 2 pickup dak2 kt kube kiye 1st patu bawu drop in kt msjid tM. sape2 yg duk kat area machang,kuala krai,t.merah tu kene tgu kt msjid 2 lor. but she have no close frens live at those area, sumer geng2 dia duk area kB.. nasib la ko zati. bus smpai so dioram tolak lebey kurang kol 1030pm. hepi jer tgk dak2 neh at the moment pisah ngan parents masing2 sblom naek bus. sobsobsob.. byk gak bus konvoi smlm agipon dak kMk almostly from kelantan. otw home, she texted me telling tt the bus driver+his family was shopping kt bukit bunga. haaha. ngepek abiss~ bez gak alone kt rumah ni, but ive to talk to no one.! yg aku paling sukee, xyah nk brebut2 guna tenet nih :)) n i still have fren as well as my kucem tp arini xbalik2 lg umah. also still have fren to talk,but its the silent talking, u knw what kakas? my fs and ym indeed! im glad to know tt all my frens live in my cmputer. =p thanks my frendz! keep surviving kay ! :))

2day aku online j memanjang.. since my pc ni is my closest companion oficially. =p hehe. as usual,replying fs comments and chatting in yM.. tah cakap aper2 ntah.. arini aku der chatting ng sorang kwn tu, si sedooow as well s farah adlina =p. it has been a long tyme since ive chatted with her. lame betol dia xon9 ase2nya ni j bw chat after spm.. erm,what a ridiculous talk! eii,farah kawe xcayo la,xcayoo.. i thought it has been so many99 times i mentioned this words dop. its impossible but its prone to be possible anytyme. ka rano? erm.. ni nk prank ko kawe k gapo ni farah eii. k ado hidden motive demo oyat bendo tu tu. ei sero plekkam jah. hmmm,gano2pon it depend to Allah to judge weather its hakkon or palsu. kawe keep thinking pahko dale bilik i farah eiii..sblom tu maah byk la,accidentally blako.

smoga berjumpa d laen hari

slamat hari-hari


Friday, December 12, 2008

Aidiladha 1429H

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Our raya haji is pretty much the same every year. all of my siblings balik raya tahun ni. Long,kak ngah and akem balik skali ngan 1 kete.. erm.., they departed from kL about 11am,tp smpai umah kol 2am! huhu..somethings happened. long's car was broke down+heavy jam..sabaw jela. zati plok arrived at home safely from Kedah by her college bus. =p

1st day raya aji,kitoram raya kt umah guchil ni..and as usual kitoram akan balik kampong ptg 2 or the 2nd day raya. On the hari raya haji itself, it was raining kejap2 since Subuh, the weather was wet. hmmmm,biase arrr,rainy season kan. I woke up at 6 in the morning, took a bathe then prepared for the breakfast..hmm,juz a simple breakfast. We had the nasi impit,and the tea.. tahun ni xbuat lemang pon. i heard the takbir raya from the nearby mosque, very touching me indeed! then,it was graced by the solat sunat Eidul Adha at the mosque. then, 'the sacrifice ceremony' begun. raya tahun ni mak dan abah both korban jd byk la sket daging ooo., but ive no chance to witness the slaughtering as the place was far from my house.. sebokbetol abah pagi tu, jadik tukang smelih,nk repair kete long lg.huu~ long ngan akem p lewat cket as they were quite tied up repairing long's car.. wakaaka.. aku plak,stay kt umah jela ngan mak,zati and kak ngah.. nk g beraya lak malas+malu as it has been a long tyme since ive visited my neighbourhood..huhu. malu la kunon. kalaw mak join skali beyeh slalu.ngeh3. quite differ when i was in childhood. hmmm.even umah frens area guchil ni pun malasnyo nk p. got nothing to do! makan+makan+makan, jalan2 dlm umah.. then kua masuk bilik punggah makanan, layan my beloved kucem, grmbling.. unstopped talking to zati. finally, on pC,sign in Ym,fS dan tah hape2 keje aku wat. huhu.. pastu,zati ajak aku kua. i strolled around motor, starting from guchil 1 smpai lor guchil 7.wuhuhu, its very exciting to see the cow was being slaughtered! dpt gak aku tgk walapon xlama.

Abah balik. so,kitoram sama2 melapah daging. huhu,enjoy betol. tyme ni la aku bley tgk 'kakah dale'.haha~tgk lombu pnya ekoq pun plek. baso daghat payoh slaluh.=p..

sempat amik gmbar ni jer

Then the whole masak-masak affair begun. With the rebusan aka soup, the rendang, the serunding and last but not least the daging goreng kicap. the kitchen was in havoc, one portion was doing the cutting whilst the others were doing the variety of cooking. Akem was enjoying himself axing the hard tulang rusuk and gearbox and afterwards burying the organs. we had a 'lunch' after asar. its very appetizing tulang rusuk soup,fresh meat mmg sedap o.. pastu,aku ngan zati ikut abah p anta daging kurban tp certain persons,xdilupakan my beloved teacher kartini,my class teacher.
Long,ngan kak ngah departed kL malam 2 gak.. akem as usual,join dioram p kL dulu, pastu baw tolak johore plak.kak ngah got no cuti raya,2nd day raya dah kene keje so they spent home just in couple of days only.. mak,abah,aku ngan zati jela remain kt umah ni, conquered all the foods. hoho.. thanks 2 long 4 the duit raya. hehe..besaw panjang pon still dpt gak !

09 dec aka 11 Zulhijjah,second day raya haji, takbir raya still can be heard.. erm,sunyi, cam biasa j arini. got bored and got nothing to do! so,online je la as its my 'moment routine'.kwakwakw..hmm. on the 2nd raya we had gulai masam tulang+daging as the lunch. after asar,i went to Cikgu Sabariah's house in Taman Orkid, makei gulai lagi for her daughter's wedding ceremony..k.zila da kawen! congratz! hmmm, glad 2 know that she hv surpassed her older sister in her marriage..wuhhhuuu.. jmpa k.jea so k.jea bila lak? huhu. while eating.eating and eating, somethings happened to me.. huhu. really tortured and irritated me indeed!.woaa.. malu tol aa,. masa nk balik salam2 semua, tazah nikhamnah just arrived. i kept expecting if she came with her daughter,yea.. yahooo! yea mai jugok oo.. yea nmpak j aku tros terkam. shes my classmate n also deskmate. then she noticed tt sumthings weird at myself. ...'timoh! keno gapo.....bla3???? so,kpd dialah aku curah semo rasa malu+rindu cket2. heeehe. i got some souvenir from cekgu. thanks a lot cekgu !

Hari raya ketiga kitoram baw balik kg..kuala nal,its not far frm my house. another village is in pahang,ntah biler nak p. kat kampon pun xsemua balik. Ayah nik xbalik celebrate kt kL jer gpon bie baw j lps sunat. Mijan,mak long pon raya kt umah respectivly. Paksu xsmpat nk jmpa 2nd raya dh tolak balik kL. smpai kt umah wan, kazen je ader as well as along, abgngah ngan kak na! uiks,kak na balik plok! she just recently finished her 3months holiday in malaysia. she has only 2weeks cuti ry and will b back to Jordan on 20 Dec.. xpela,rasanya ni 1st time kak na dpt beraya cini eh?tol ke k.Na? smpt la jmpa.dioram tgh siap nak blk kL..

kg kuala nal,kuala krai...

Al-kisah..ptg tu, th authorities from health departmnt came to kuala nal for fogging. Ape lg,kitoram stay outside the house while the fogging was being carried out.. Huhu,penuh asap dlm umah. Masuk je dlm umah,we had to breathe in unpleasant air and the floor became oily..huhu..

Ado nyakit baru kapong ni ruponyo! the disease is spreading over the village till now. hmm,it was dtected xsilap a month ago when sum of the villagrs suffer frm it. it is known as 'cikunya', 'chikukunya'..ade gak oram pgl chikuglenya and is carried by viruses. symptomnya cam demam yg xleh bgn tros pastu sakit2 urat.. ermm..mintak jaoh la. it concerns the villagers as the victims are increasing and some of them suffer twice. hmmm,sape2 yg suffer ni cpt2 la p spita,doc bg injection pahtu it will be recovered asap.

Kitoram stay smpai mlam jer,xtido pon..malam tu dae la kecek panje nga wan.watched tv catching 4 the latest news regarding bukit antarabnagsa landslide. then, tuned into animal planet channel~my grandma's fevret channel.~


-1st raya without my lovely grandfather..tokayah passed away 7months ago..

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

ada apa dengan STAM?


Today is Dec 3,juz the day-day-day-day of wisdom.. =p. nothin special,coz xsama ngan ysterday! hmmm,arini aku p skoloh, kam kato doh,g pulok skolah and still wearing school uniform.[thumbs up] huhu =p. went to school for returning my text books. skema molep aku arini pukul 830[thumbs up] sapa dh skoloh.hoho.. got nothing to do,naseb baek la sorang kwn aku mai awal gak, so i strolled around my school surroundings. nampak dr jaoh dak2 amik perdag pekso. then, i was told by sumone tt text books can be returned at 12noon, hoho, i started grumbling. borim2! masuk bilik redaksi ah,lame tol xjenguk..

Setel anta buku teks,ado taklimat ringkas dr mudir lak kt dewan tuk dak2 spm.. ive already expected what matters tt will be conveyed by him, pahtu mudir suh soram jd mc,silap aku g dok depan skali so mudir trus pointing kt aku. ngeh2,nervous laluh! my expectation went true! xlain xbukan sal future respectively. mudir psn suh semo former spm candidates taon ni amek STAM taon dpn! wowwowwooowo... napok kiera xsedap ddk doh.ngeee!~ pastu mudir bitaw yg format,silibus semo brubah! untuk bdk laki,diorang xpelu blaja2 kt skola masing2 doh,sblknya kene g d college di Kok lanas. YIK bg nama Kolej Yayasan Islam Kelantan,spttnya bdk pompuan pn c2 tp myb allocations xcukup. so,YIK sedia tuk bdk laki dulu..dak pmpuan blaja kt skol repectively.pahtu mudir oyap bdk pmpuan pon ade gak g kat college 2 tp bepringkat lor... ntah,aku xphm gok. lagi 1, YIK akan bg tawaran kpd sesape yg layak blaja kt c2,that means org yg dpt tawaran j bleh blaja citu.. tawaran tu YIK consider result SMU gak,emm,sbbnya yg blaja kt kolej tu dikira yg betol2 nk amek STAM, pakaian pn brubah, subject pn btambah cam subj qiadah. masa belajar pn extend smpai pukol 3,ciap peruntuk biasiswa agy.. huuuhu.. so,kolej ni bwh YIK or kementerian? hohoo,koho ilang a intention aku nak amek STAM. hmmm,i saw everybody talked to each other.."mung nak amek STAM ko?" so,which one will i prefer ni???..mcm2 ah aku pk,im unable to make my decision now. gano2pon aku kene consider result spm aku dulu ah, borang upu aku isi, if my 1st choice is chosen,so,ill proceed upu.~

*ngepek cket

bawu je nk relaxing mind,abih spm stam plok

esok kene g skolah lagi!~

p/s, selamat berjuang tuk bie yg bsunat arini,semelih lmbu nah

no more text books!

mane abis pergi dak nih?

pengawas exam lg!

ceritera di sebalik spm


As ive promised in my previous post,ill keep my blog up-to-date...bla3. Today,i wonder as its the most significant day in my life.. u knw? Heee,im no longer being the spm victim ! Today . Dec 2, i ended up for my spm exam by sitting the Basic economy paper, start ngan paper 2 dulu,its really tortured me indeed. aper la LPM, most papers start ngan ppr 1 dulu, tuk subjct econ ni ntah sbb aper start ngan ppr 2 dulu, soklan pun xssh sgt but the time given wasn't enough ler. Hoho, aku ase sumer ppr masa x cukup.. tuptuptup...pastu ppr 1 lak,for this ppr ive my own gratitute to Allah for giving me a chance to answer it well. aku pun ase pelik sket td,sblom pgawas bagi instructions ive already opened it and saw it in a glance. soklan mmg mudah toan ni. Haha,in fact aku senanyer cam puzzled nk jwb,mmg ler aku over excited kt skol td,maklum la lst ppr. okeh,puas ati. kuar je dewan,mmg aku hepy gilo lah, undescribeable. xsama cam exam PMR,smU.Mmg ase lega sgt2,hanya Tuhan jela y taw. Sblom tu,smpat jgk la aku captured some picts..sumer ni untuk memorabilia aku~

Abis j peksa ni aku nk freekan my mind from any probs..xnak dah benda2 yg wat srabut palotak aku ni,haha,but sometimes aku slalu j tingat sal kakas exam ni,as well as the coming result. sokmo g2.xleh fikiran tenam cket! timoh~be positve mind! Emm..alhamdulillah,overall aku ase aku da wat yg terbest,em,if i cudn't achieve wht i target,tawakal jela.aku idam sangat2 'event' cam taon lepas. hmmm, even there were certain pprs that im corncerning for,cam sEj,tswr..tswr?i answred some qs using my own words.sO?? hmm.let bygone be bygone lah. xde guna pk bnde2 y lps.

Oyer,baw tingat 1 funny incident tht happend during my BAT paper. the amount of papers supplied by LPM were not enough.! 1st paper,paper 1!. as the result,all of candidates were quarantined. ade 48 ppr jer xclap..huhu. so.the PPD decided to make photocopies for the pprs.hoho,klaka betol.. las2,soklan pn cukup la and all of us were allowed to start answering at 850am,huh,50 minutes delay and i got the original paper! majority of us got the 'fake' paper. =p. abis jer time given for paper 1,nk kua dewan a ni as usual,but all of candidates were not allowed to go out of the hall..haha,kejut gak aku,cpt2 recall sumer maudu',,naseb baek la da cover sumer maudu' hudoh2.. erm,stay kt dewan jela while waiting for the next ppr,gegey gegok dewan pakat duk wat discussion. duk meta,sapa roti siput yg sedap bsama ngan i mineral,free jer. huhu,rasa cam refugee la plak.heeee!~pahtu balik umah pom lewat..

Okeh, spnjg tempoh aku peksa, credits tuk pengawas and sekutu2nya for ur kind-hearted dispositon. moderate,xbaik dan xjahat.haha! Ader sorang bliau 2 slalu j wat lawak, cm entertainer kt kitoram lak. [thumbs up]Its time 2 go home. hmmm,at th moment,ase sedih la plak nk tinggal skola. m,im not going to believe that everythings is finally over.arini lst day aku kt skolah ni k?xam ni btol k exam lst aku?yela,coz aku tw esok lusa,ill be in my school again and again. haha..

sbelah kiri tu pgawas plg sporting,sbelah kanan ketua pengawas

Hmm,im tired of writing.khulasatul qoul,thanks 2 all my frens for being my great frens indeed. the most valuable asset in my life,xkira lah knl skit ke byk..kacip ke dop,yg petim our companionship would be highly appreciated. tuk sumer cikgu-cikgu,ustaz ustazh yg byk curah ilmu kat aku start remove clas smpai skang, pastu pihak skolah,mudir pk tersygs yg byk support me behind. carry out program xhenti2 tuk kejayaan kami semo, motivasi c2 cni,motivasi bsama kak fatimahmukhtar, programs held by our main employer YIK suchs pecutan akhir dr shukri,leadership camp,camp 2 camp ni which have tempted me most. Last but not least,my lovely parents and siblings~kakngah yg sanggup balik umah jd teacher aku jap,kak aku zati hop enggo..same went to her,jd tcher aku gak. Abah,who inspired me most, sent me to this arabic skol..xsia2 lgsung. im lucky 2 be the daughter of him. mmm,and to all yg kenal aku,direct or indirectly..thank u again. im also thank to myself for being myself,being a person who always dreamtof persuing success, hoping that all of my toils will pay off. Lst, to Long,who managed tenet kt umah ni.ngeeeeee~

hish bende nih xse tengok doh!

okay,ill carry my miscl of cases asap.
huh,i will be in school tomoro~anta text books,

c u nextyme.bubye.
gdnite, salam~

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


salam..alo,ma first posting..
accompanied by my lufly cats ;) wiiiiiiiii

gitulah al-kisahnya....

elop is november 26 which the day i start blogging.huh,the truth, ive kept my intntion of blogging since ..?,haha...em,senanyer nk tgu t lps abis exam aku next week,tp ntahla,im writing now,nk try posting jer.nk try jer..bkn aper,ive promised myself, to keep mysef away from onlining within the period of exam.start j blogging,jwbnya ssh la nk OFFLINE..ahah!reality nesio gnilah~aku sdri pun da maklum,while on the line many unuseful duties to be done! Hmm, i keep mentioning ''oloh,tunggu..tunggu nati abih pekso..xlamo doh" everyday. here i blatantly broke my own rules.Ahah!~ Okies, i just said that i will post a try.. ill update my blog next week...continously.Ahakz!!~ i will be sitting for my final paper on 2 Dec. 2 more papers to go. PSI2 on Monday and Economy on Tues, 2 Dec. x sabaaaa nk olyday~ Oh,today i sitted for tinggi paper. something unexpected happened kt dewan td,,we were quarantined about 3hours.haha!lucu+pelik.. Alhamdulillah.ive answered it completely..but sometimes it concerned me as it was very easy.. kay,ive to stop my writing. 5 days to go,merdeka! within this period of time,ill give my best treatment for my study. Pray for my success!~ ilalliqo' ma'assalamah

p/s : lembu2,get ready! =p :DDDD